罗学文 1,2张露 1,2付士杰 1,2,*盛泉 1,2[ ... ]姚建铨 1,2
1 天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院,天津 300072
2 天津大学光电信息技术教育部重点实验室,天津 300072
基于商用单模掺铥石英光纤设计了高功率2.05 μm波段全光纤主振荡功率放大器(MOPA)。以自制环形腔掺铥光纤激光器为种子,利用级联滤波型波分复用器优化长波长种子的光信噪比,基于MOPA结构实现了高效的高功率输出。基于速率方程模型,理论分析了主放大级的注入信号光功率和增益光纤长度的优化关系;实验中在102.6 W的793 nm泵浦功率下获得了输出功率为57 W、光谱线宽为0.08 nm、光信噪比为58.8 dB的单横模激光输出,主放大级斜效率为52.6%。
激光器 掺铥光纤激光器 2 μm激光 单模光纤激光器 速率方程 
2024, 51(8): 0801005
刘帅 1,2,3陈锴 1,2,3孙悦 1,2,3闫超 1,2,3[ ... ]姚建铨 1,2,3
1 天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院,天津 300072
2 天津大学光电信息技术教育部重点实验室,天津 300072
3 天津大学微光机电系统技术教育部重点实验室,天津 300072
3~5 μm中红外波段激光在大气中具有较高的透过率,因此被广泛应用于光电对抗等领域。报道了基于掺杂氧化镁的周期极化铌酸锂(MgO∶PPLN)晶体的kHz、mJ量级的中红外光学参量振荡器(OPO)。采用纳秒脉冲1064 nm激光泵浦基于多周期MgO∶PPLN晶体的OPO,OPO采用泵浦双通单谐振平凹腔结构。中红外激光的重复频率为1 kHz,4.08 μm处输出的最高单脉冲能量达到1.041 mJ。最高光-光转换效率为16.8%,斜效率为19.3%,中红外激光脉宽约为9.53 ns。在最高能量输出时,OPO运转30 min时输出功率的均方根(RMS)为0.24%。通过温度-极化周期结合的调谐方式,OPO在3.49~4.18 μm的较宽范围内都能够保持0.9 W以上平坦的高能量输出。在极化周期27.5~29.6 μm以及温度25~200 ℃的调节范围内,闲频光波长的调谐范围为3.49~4.48 μm。实现了重复频率为kHz量级、单脉冲能量为mJ量级的可调谐中红外输出,其在光电对抗领域具有应用价值。
激光器 中红外激光 掺杂氧化镁的周期极化铌酸锂 全固态激光器 光参量振荡器 
2024, 51(7): 0701019
蒋沛恒 1,2史朝督 1,2陈林 3付士杰 1,2[ ... ]姚建铨 1,2
1 天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院,天津 300072
2 天津大学光电信息技术教育部重点实验室,天津 300072
3 深圳大学物理与光电工程学院光电子器件与系统教育部/广东省重点实验室,广东 深圳 518060
报道了基于掺铥光纤可饱和吸收体的单频2.05 μm线性腔铥钬共掺全光纤振荡器。腔内采用4.6 m长的铥钬共掺光纤作为增益介质,并利用未被泵浦的掺铥光纤作为可饱和吸收体实现选频,通过调整可饱和吸收体的长度可优化选频能力。在3.5 W的1570 nm激光泵浦下,获得了最高714 mW的2048.6 nm单频激光输出,相应的斜率效率为25.1%,激光光谱线宽为17 kHz。
激光器 单频光纤激光器 铥钬共掺光纤 可饱和吸收体 2 μm激光 
2024, 51(6): 0601002
盛泉 1,2耿婧旎 1,2李锦辉 3付士杰 1,2,*[ ... ]姚建铨 1,2
1 天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院,天津 300072
2 天津大学光电信息技术教育部重点实验室,天津 300072
3 东南大学成贤学院,江苏 南京 210088
报道了基于Nd∶YVO4激光晶体和钨酸钆钾(KGW)拉曼晶体的端面泵浦连续波内腔拉曼激光器,实验研究了基频激光偏振方向对KGW拉曼激光器输出功率、光谱和模式特性的影响。当基频光偏振方向平行于KGW晶体的Nm轴时,901 cm-1拉曼频移增益较高,在36.6 W半导体激光泵浦功率下获得了6.63 W的 1177.3 nm连续波斯托克斯光输出,光光效率和斜效率分别为18.1%和24.7%;而当基频光沿KGW晶体Ng轴偏振时,由于768 cm-1和901 cm-1两条拉曼谱线的竞争以及对应89 cm-1小波数拉曼峰的级联拉曼斯托克斯光起振,拉曼激光器的光谱和功率特性均发生劣化。在实验中还观察到KGW像散的热透镜效应对激光模式产生的影响。
激光器 受激拉曼散射 连续波拉曼激光器 内腔拉曼激光器 钨酸钆钾晶体 
2024, 51(5): 0501003
Author Affiliations
1 Key Laboratory of Material Physics, Ministry of Education, School of Physics and Microelectronics, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, China
2 Key Laboratory of Opto-Electronics Information Technology (Tianjin University), Ministry of Education, School of Precision Instruments and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
3 Beijing Key Laboratory for Metamaterials and Devices, Key Laboratory of Terahertz Optoelectronics, Ministry of Education, and Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Imaging Technology, Department of Physics, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China
4 State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation, College of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
5 e-mail: zanghuaping@zzu.edu.cn
6 e-mail: yzhang@mail.cnu.edu.cn
Polarization is crucial in various fields such as imaging, sensing, and substance detection. A compact, fast, and accurate polarization detection device is vital for these applications. Herein, we demonstrate a multifocus metalens for terahertz polarization detection that requires only a single measurement to obtain complete polarization parameters and reconstruct the polarization state of the incident field. The individual subarrays of this metalens convert each of the six polarized components into the same polarization, which in turn links the Stokes parameters to these six foci. The incident linear polarizations and elliptical polarizations are characterized by Stokes parameters and polarization ellipses. Simulations and experimental results show that the scheme can accurately detect the incident polarization with a single measurement. The proposed metasurface polarimetry may find applications in the fields of real-time terahertz detection and integrated optics.
Photonics Research
2024, 12(3): 514
Author Affiliations
1 Tianjin University, Ministry of Education, School of Precision Instruments and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Key Laboratory of Opto-Electronics Information Technology Tianjin, China
2 University College London, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, London, United Kingdom
3 University of Mining and Technology, School of Materials Science and Physics, Xuzhou, China
4 Tianjin University, School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin, China
5 Southeast University, School of Information Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, Nanjing, China
6 Zhejiang University, College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, Key Laboratory of Micro-Nano Electronic Devices and Smart Systems of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, China
Unlike conventional topological edge states confined at a domain wall between two topologically distinct media, the recently proposed large-area topological waveguide states in three-layer heterostructures, which consist of a domain featuring Dirac points sandwiched between two domains of different topologies, have introduced the mode width degree of freedom for more flexible manipulation of electromagnetic waves. Until now, the experimental realizations of photonic large-area topological waveguide states have been exclusively based on quantum Hall and quantum valley-Hall systems. We propose a new way to create large-area topological waveguide states based on the photonic quantum spin-Hall system and observe their unique feature of pseudo-spin-momentum-locking unidirectional propagation for the first time in experiments. Moreover, due to the new effect provided by the mode width degree of freedom, the propagation of these large-area quantum spin-Hall waveguide states exhibits unusually strong robustness against defects, e.g., large voids with size reaching several unit cells, which has not been reported previously. Finally, practical applications, such as topological channel intersection and topological energy concentrator, are further demonstrated based on these novel states. Our work not only completes the last member of such states in the photonic quantum Hall, quantum valley-Hall, and quantum spin-Hall family, but also provides further opportunities for high-capacity energy transport with tunable mode width and exceptional robustness in integrated photonic devices and on-chip communications.
large-area quantum spin-Hall waveguide states strong robustness against defects high-capacity energy transport mode width degree of freedom 
Advanced Photonics Nexus
2024, 3(1): 016009
盛泉 1,2刘天畅 1,2耿婧旎 1,2刘俊杰 1,2[ ... ]姚建铨 1,2
1 天津大学 精密仪器与光电子工程学院,天津
2 天津大学 光电信息技术教育部重点实验室,天津
激光无线传能 谐振激光传能 免调试激光器 猫眼逆反射器 wireless laser power transmission resonant laser power transmission alignment-free laser cat-eye retroreflector 
2023, 38(6): 1
1 天津大学光电信息技术教育部重点实验室, 天津 300072
2 崂山实验室, 山东 青岛 266234
3 电磁空间安全全国重点实验室, 天津 300308
海洋是丰富的资源宝库, 对海洋资源的开发和利用尤为重要。水空跨介质探测、通信、水下目标确定等技术一直是相关工作者关注的热点, 同时也是技术难题。声波作为一种机械波, 是水中良好的传播载体, 因此通过提取水下声波信息进行水空跨介质探测及通信不失为一种好方法, 但目前仍缺少完整的水下声信号传播模型及试验基础。本文提出一种基于有限元方法的水下声信号产生水面波纹振动的仿真模型, 并运用激光多普勒测振技术对水面波纹进行检测, 通过试验与仿真两种方式均能在水面以上精准得到水下声波信息。在相同水下声信号参数的条件下, 试验与仿真得到的水面波纹振幅大小一致, 验证了激光多普勒测振技术用于获取水下声波信息的可行性及所建立仿真模型的正确性, 为实现水空跨介质探测及通信的突破提供了试验基础及理论依据。
激光多普勒测振 跨介质探测 水声学原理 有限元方法 laser doppler vibration measurement cross-media detection hydroacoustic principle finite element method 
2023, 43(3): 0127
1 河北大学 电子信息工程学院, 河北省数字医疗工程重点实验室,河北 保定 071000
2 天津大学 精密仪器与光电子工程学院,激光与光电子研究所,天津 300072
为实现高效太赫兹调控,迫切需要一种高效且成本低的材料。新型钙钛矿材料由于其优异的光电特性,加上钙钛矿制备工艺简单、可大批量生产等优点,非常适合作为太赫兹超材料的活性材料,通过外部激励改变活性材料的属性,可灵活调控太赫兹波。因此,选择新型钙钛矿材料外加光场调控太赫兹,分析在光场作用前(绝缘态)和在光场作用后(金属态)两种状态对单元结构太赫兹宽波段下幅值和相位的影响。设计出光场灵活调控的钙钛矿基1 bit太赫兹编码超表面结构,该结构由有机无机杂化钙钛CH3NH3PbI3(MAPbI3)、聚酰亚胺和铝构成。通过CST仿真结果显示,该超表面结构在光场的调控下能够实现宽谱(0.1、1、2、6 THz)太赫兹波的180°相位差变化,经过超表面编码结构的设计,同一编码序列实现远场波束的变换。研究结果表明,基于光场操控钙钛矿材料的编码超表面为实现灵活的太赫兹波调控提供了新的思路,在太赫兹通信、安检、生物医学成像等方面具有巨大的应用潜力。
太赫兹 钙钛矿 光场调控 编码超表面 相位 terahertz perovskite light field regulation coding metasurface phase 
2023, 35(12): 129001
Author Affiliations
1 Key Laboratory of Material Physics, Ministry of Education, School of Physics and Microelectronics, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, China
2 Beijing Key Laboratory for Metamaterials and Devices, Key Laboratory of Terahertz Optoelectronics, Ministry of Education, and Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Imaging Technology, Department of Physics, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China
3 Key Laboratory of Opto-Electronics Information Technology (Tianjin University), Ministry of Education, School of Precision Instruments and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
4 State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation, College of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
5 e-mail: wangmengguang@zju.edu.cn
6 e-mail: zanghuaping@zzu.edu.cn
7 e-mail: yzhang@mail.cnu.edu.cn
The manipulation and detection of polarization states play a crucial role in the application of 6G terahertz communication. Nonetheless, the development of compact and versatile polarization detection devices capable of detecting arbitrary polarizations continues to be a challenging endeavor. Here, we demonstrate a terahertz polarization detection scheme by performing mode purity analysis and multidimensional analysis of the transmitted vortex field. The power of the proposed polarization recognition is verified by using three polarization trajectories, including linear polarizations, circular polarizations, and elliptical polarizations. Using the reconstructed complete polarization parameters, the detected polarization states are characterized using polarization ellipses, Poincaré sphere, and full-Stokes parameters. The experimental results validate the power of this scheme in polarization detection. This scheme holds promise for applications in polarization imaging and terahertz communication.
Photonics Research
2023, 11(12): 2256

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